5 Mantras to clear job interviews: Getting graduated from prestigious universities and getting a dream job is not an easy task for freshers. Clearing numerous interview rounds to get recruited into MNCs is an herculean task for freshers.I wish to tell 5 mantras to clear job interiews and get placed in MNCs. Adopting these mantras to clear interview rounds will boost up your chances of getting recruited.
How to clear job interviews’ rounds? The question might sound simple. However, in today’s world, getting a job by clearing job interview rounds is not cakewalk for every fresher. Everyone must undergo several rounds of interview like technical interview round, HR interview round etc., to get a job by clearing all those interview rounds. We will now look at 5 mantras to crack interview. Just reading these mantras won’t get you to crack interview rounds. Put them into play to clear job interviews in MNCs.
5 Mantras to clear job interviews
Job Interview Mantra 1: A Honey pot Resume
An interview resume is the reflection of the skills of interviewee. An interviewer need to get the skills of the applicant by a glance at the resume. You must make a honey pot resume. What did a honey pot mean? It’s simply a trap.How to prepare a honey pot resume? It’s so simple. You just need to focus some eye-catching technical terms in your resume. Why do I need to do that to clear interview round? It’s because every employer needs a fresher/worker who is an asset for the firm. Usually, the recruiter looks for unique talent among all those folks who clear job interviews’ gateway rounds like aptitude rounds. Cracking the gateway interview rounds doesn’t get you a job, you need to crack the technical interview and HR interview rounds too. So, making a honey pot resume will aid you to clear job interviews in MNCs.
Job Interview Mantra 2: Job Role Research
Having high CGPA and cracking technical interview rounds won’t suffice to get a job. Recruiters are looking for candidates with a good idea over their firm’s lineage and their market statistics. So, have a good idea over the company you are attending for an interview. This information might come handy while you are dumbstruck for company statistics related interview questions. This interview mantra can help you to grab some attention from the recruiter to clear job interviews in MNCs.
Check out how to do job role description for attending an interview.
Job Interview Mantra 3: Grooming gets you job
Yes, personal grooming does matter to clear job interviews. It’s job etiquette to have a decent attire.The interviewer will get good reflexes with your interview apparels. Bear in mind that grooming grab some extra coins to clear job interviews. Make sure that your attire reflects professionalism to crack interview. Some MNCs look at the interview attire to judge the person attending the interview. ‘Excess of Anything is vicious’.So, don’t wear gaudy clothes to grab attention of the HR/interviewer.
Check out best ways to dress for an interview to clear MNC job interviews.
Job Interview Mantra 4: Killing job interview time
Killing the job interview time is one of the mantras to clear job interviews. Killing interviewer’s time can also help you in clearing job interviews. Killing job interview time mean, managing the interview time cleverly to showcase the skills you have. You must tend the interviewer to ask questions whose interview answers are known to you. How can you kill the job interview time? Think once.
Job Interview Mantra 5: Be a Social Networking Samba
In this digital era, getting a job in MNC will be at ease if you follow up the official social networking pages on facebook, twitter , LinkedIn etc., By becoming a social networking samba, you can get latest job role descriptions in the news feed.You can apply for your desired job role and clear job interviews to step into MNCs. Moreover, you will come to know about the recent trends in the companu you are applying for an interview.
The above five job interview mantras gears up the chances to clear job interviews. Adopt these mantras to crack the interview rounds and get recruited in MNCs like Google, Facebook etc., Follow these interview mantras and get recruited by your dream companies. Love the company before you try to clear job interview conducted by them.
These are some very good tips especially for freshers… Clothes you choose for your interview plays an important role and sometimes they are the deciding factor. So, it’s necessary to keep your interview clothes neat and clean.
Hello Tressie Williams,
I agree with you about the prominence of dressing styles for interview. Very soon, we provide you with the best ways to dress yourself for an interview. 🙂