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2 Ways : Multiple Pokemon GO accounts on Android device

Pokemon GO!!! every man’s common word running on his mind in the present days.It is an trending virtual reality game world wide. Man is having more fun with the Pokemon GO game play and in catching them all Pokemons. But some are having competition among themselves in finding and catching the pokemons. One can have Multiple Pokemon GO accounts same as two whatsapp accounts on a single device. You can catch ditto easily using several tips on android and iOS.

Some have a small doubt, can we have multiple Pokemon GO accounts? yes, of course you can have two Pokemon Go accounts on a single device. All you have to do is upgrade from lollipop to marshmallow, if you are on android. You can run two Pokemon GO accounts at the same time on a one device. You can run two multiple accounts at the same time using “Parallel Space”.With these parallel space app you can run two accounts at a same time like Dual Whatsapp, you can run two whatsapp accounts on a single device.

How to run multiple Pokemon GO accounts on a single device:

Method#1: Multiple Pokemon GO accounts with Parallel space.

Step#1: Download parallel space app from your android app store.

Step#2: After downloading , install the multiple accounts app, Parallel space on your device.

Step#3:  Run the installed Parallel space app with a tap on the app icon.

Step#4: You can see a ‘+’ mark at the screen.

Step#5: Tap on the + mark and you can see the latest trending apps and select Pokemon GO.

Step#6: If you don’t find Pokemon GO , you can search it and and you can find it.

Step#7: Now tap on it and it starts downloading. After it gets downloaded you can see the Pokemon GO icon on your Parallel space app.

Step#8: There it is!!! Now you can have the other Pokemon go account you can run at the same time on one device.

Now you can run multiple Pokemon GO accounts on your device. Have fun with the two Pokemon GO accounts on single device. But, there might be some Pokemon GO issues with  this idea of running multiple accounts on the same device. There may be a chance of getting banned by the Pokemon GO officials. Have you read 8 pokevision alternatives that make you play pokemon go without walking on lollipop/marshmallow/nougat.


Step#1: Run the Pokemon GO app on your android/iOS.

Step#2: Tap on the Pokeball that you can see on the screen, and you can see the settings icon on the top right side.

Step#3: Now tap on the settings icon and you can see some options like this below

Step#4: Click on the sign out and confirm it with yes.

Step#5: Once you sign out , you can see a screen with a google option on it.

Step#6: Click on the Google option and enter your email and password.

Step#7: There it is set and your are now ready to play with another multiple account.

Worried about masterball tweak? You can check out how to install poke go ++ without jailbreak. The web is full of pokemon hacks, you can now hatch eggs of pokemon without walking. I hope this article on how to make use of multiple pokemon accounts on a single phone is quite helpful.