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5 Mental Well-being Tips for Students

Mental health is a state of mental well being in which a human can understand his or her abilities. Every 10 minutes, someone dies from suicide. This is roughly thirty thousand suicides each year. In other words, that’s twice as many people those die from traffic in a year. They include people in various professions such as students, teachers and employees. So, what’s happening to these students or teachers? In this article, we write about five mental well-being tips for students.

Currently, 90 percent of all suicides are related to mental health illnesses. World Health Organization defines health is a state of complete physical health and social well being. In other words, health is not merely the absence of disease. Mental health and well being go beyond neurological health. For instance, depression is a risk factor for developing chronic disease like hypertension, Cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Mental illness can effect anyone. Mental health affects how we feel think and act. At every stage of life, Mental wellness is important. We hope below listed mental well-being tips helps students in their careers.

5 Mental Well-being Tips for Students

Social Connectivity – Networking fights mental illness

Connect to the people those who are around you ; with friends,family,colleagues and neighbors. Every day spend the time with people. For instance, instead of sending emails, talk to someone. In addition, speak to some one new and ask how is the weekend and listen when they tell you. Also, talk to your friends.

Being a student, we have a lot of time in hand. Join a club or group of people who share a common interest to showcase on resume. This can be a killer resume add-on and helps you crack interviews.

Spare 10 minutes to find who someone really is. For example, say hello to strangers and communicate with them. This spreads positivity and aids mental well-being. Maintaining social connectivity lays good foundation for mental health. This also helps in cracking interviews and help your careers.

Be active – Activeness promotes mental well-being

This is the most important tip for students for mental wellness. Now a days, students are spending time in front of phones, laptops and screens. We can spend our morning times with a walk and do exercise. Similarly, students can play sports like cricket, football, shuttle etc., and do some gardening. In addition, we can opt dance as a hobby.

Discover a physical activity you enjoy and that suits your level of mobility and fitness. Being active every day changes in our brain which can positively affect in our mood.

Eat healthy – Food is the best way to treat our mind

Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits boost our mental health. These are the foods that can help in improving mental health.

Berries are tasty and colorful berries like straw berry, blue berry etc.are really good for brain. They are rich source of antioxidants that assist in repairing body cells. In addition, they help in getting rid of systems related to anxiety and depression.

Spinach is really good for mental health. In addition, it contains Iron, whose deficiency has been linked to depression. Consuming it in large quantities improves our mental health.

Beans are great source of dietary protein.These dietary proteins are made of amino acids that are involved in the production of neurotransmitters. They allow brain cells to communicate with one another properly. In conclusion, eating beans boost mental wellness.

Eating well can helpful to feel better. Also, stay hydrated. Include foods like dark chocolate, avocados and eggs etc., in our diet plan to stay fit and mentally strong. Read out foods to gain weight for sound mind.

Sleep well – Stress buster for mental issues

Sleep is a time to rest and restore . In other words, adequate sleep improves memory and learning. Proper sleep increases attention and creativity. In addition, it aids concentration and decision making.

Being a student, we some time stress out due to exams. Sleep is a stress buster. Good sleep helps to maintain the balance of hormones in the body. Therefore, it regulates the thoughts resulting in sound mind.

Sleep disturbance can be one of the first sign of distress. Ensure we sleep in a peaceful place away from all noises. Sleep is essential like eating, drinking etc,., and helps in maintaining mental and physical  health.

Exercise Regularly – Stay fit to stay mentally strong

Exercise can play a important role in mental well-being. Firstly, exercise is proven to reduce day to day stress. In addition, it increases self reported happiness levels and lower level of sadness. This impacts mental health both in short term and long term.

Exercise can prevent depression and anxiety disorders. In some cases, it can be as effective as a physiological and pharmacological treatment.

Running for 15 min a day or walking for 1 hour reduce the risk of major depression by 26%. Students tend to neglect exercise in their daily routine. Above all, it helps to have a sound mind and body.

We hope this article helps students to fight mental illness. Students are the future for any society. College management must create awareness of mental well-being among them. Let us know in comments, if these tips helps you for your career growth.