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Hair Loss: 5 Ways to stop baldness

The most common question in the world is how to stop baldness. In the past few years, this hair loss problem is becoming ubiquitous in teenagers also. The chances of getting bald is mostly seen in men. When people mature at the age of 14 to 15 years, the hormones start effecting the hair root. This causes thinning  of hair leading to hair loss. In some cases, this worsens in the span of 1 to 2 years causing baldness. We can find ways to stop hair loss to avoid going bald.

Why do we get receding hairline? It is common for a person to shed 50 to 100 hairs per day. If we are losing more hair per day, we should be cautious.There could be several reasons such as heredity, stress that impact our hair.

It all starts with receding hairlines in some cases and patches of hair loss in other scenarios. After that, the hair starts thinning and we can feel balding on the top of the scalp. Hair loss goes unnoticeable sometimes. However, we start noticing after we lose 10 and 20% of the hair. This is the right time to consult a doctor for hair loss and baldness. Medication may prevent further hair loss.

2 phases to stop baldness

Phase 1: Controlling the hair loss

To combat with baldness, the first phase is control the hair loss or receding hairline. There could be many causes of hair loss like family heredity, medications and hormonal changes. Everybody loses hair up to 50 to 100 is normal per day. In addition, we suffer from hair loss during pregnancy, post surgery.

Several home remedies are available to stop baldness. First of all, we should intake healthy protein diet. Our diet plan must include protein rich foods like almonds, sprouts, walnuts, milk and curd. In addition, eggs, meat have a big amount of protein.

Read out 6 Foods to gain weight easily if you are skinny and want to improve your body weight.

Similarly, eating green leafy vegetables with high iron content can stop hair loss. Along with it, regular exercise can help to fight with receding hairline. This is because, workout increases blood flow to the scalp.

Please avoid smoking and eating junk food. They increase the hair fall and result in baldness. Regular oil massage strengthen hair scalp. In addition, make sure to use good shampoo that nourishes scalp health. These simple things can alleviate hair fall. However, please consult a dermatologist for your hair loss to prevent baldness.

Phase 2: promoting regrowth of hair naturally

The second phase to stop balding is promoting hair regrowth. Applying onion juice to hair is one of the classic way to regrow hair naturally. We can also promote hair growth using Aloe Vera gel. In addition, regular intake of Apple cider vinegar also boosts the hair.

We can also stop hair loss with reducing stress. For instance, we can opt daily meditation class to relieve from stress. Controlling stress is the best way to fight hair balding. In other words, if we care our hair, we should be stress free.

5 ways to stop baldness :

In this article, we provide you with the best five ways to stop baldness naturally.

1. Regular head massage: Stress buster to stop baldness

When we massage your head, it stimulates the scalp circulation. In addition, it brings more oxygen and nutrients into our hair follicles. In other words, more nourishment helps our hair to grow healthier and stronger. This helps to fight loss of hair.

We can massage with or with out oil. However, if you choose to use oil, make sure you use cold pressed ones like coconut, castor and almond oil. Apply the oil of your choice on the scalp and massage gently for 5 minutes. Let the oil  soak in for an hour before washing.You can also keep it over night for better conditioning. For healthy and stronger hair, do a head massage at least twice in a week. This promotes hair regrowth and alleviates baldness.

2. Egg mask: Mask your hair problems

Eggs are the best source of protein. This home remedy is used all over the world for quick natural hair growth. They are rich in sulfur, zinc, phosphorous and iodine. Eggs increases hair strength and texture. In addition, they are easily affordable.

For the egg mask , separate one egg white in a bowl and add one teaspoon of honey or olive oil. Make a paste of it and apply to scalp for over 20minutes. After that, rinse it off with cool water and some shampoo. This hair treatment stops thinning and baldness.

3. Aloe Vera gel: Nourishes hair regrowth

Aloe Vera gel contain folic acid and vitamin B12 ( Cyanocobalamin ). It is found in all over the the world. Aloe Vera gel is full of hair benefits and can get rid of almost of all hair problems to curing dandruff. It also decreases hair loss and boosts hair growth.

When you apply the gel to scalp, it gives coolness and soothing. The gel is available in pharmacy and stores. Treat your hair with an Aloe Vera gel massage the night before you wash your hair. Leave the product overnight and let it absorbed into roots.After that, wash your hair next day. Do this 2-3 times in a week for the best results to regrowth your hair.

4. Coconut oil: for smooth and shiny hair

Coconut oil can help you to reduce hair fall. It contain fatty acids. Oil has the ability to penetrate the hair shaft and make it healthy and shiny.The best thing is that it can be used before and after washing your hair. Use conditioner depending on your hair type.

For good result, warm coconut oil. After that, massage into your scalp and hair slowly for at least 2 hours before shampooing. If your hair is curly or dry, take a few drops of oil into your palm and scrunch your hair get a healthy shine.

5. Onion Oil: juice to rejuvenate hair growth

Onion juice is the most effective and oldest way to stop baldness.The reason is that onion oil contains sulfur that boosts production in the tissues. In addition, helps in regrowth of hair. Onion juice boosts your hair growth, reverse premature graying, nourish hair follicles and prevent hair fall.

We can make onion juice easily.  Chop 1 to 2 onions and add them to a blender jar. Pour in a tablespoon of coconut oil to the blender jar. After that, blend everything in a blender to a smooth paste. Take a saucepan, then pour the onion paste and coconut oil into it. In addition, add 1 to 2 cups of coconut oil and mix it well till it turns to light brown. After cooling the oil, massage the oil on your scalp and hair twice in a week for the best result.

We recommend to try out the above five ways to stop baldness, after consulting your dermatologist. Please let us know in comments, if you know better ways to stop hair fall .